Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra

Since 1993-2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra
+ Cars Opel Corsa B, Tigra and Combo
+ Controls and operation receptions
- Options and car routine maintenance
   The routine maintenance schedule
   The general information
   The general data on options and adjustments
   Checks of levels of liquids
   Check of a condition of tyres and pressure of their rating, rotation of wheels
   Replacement of impellent oil and the oil filter
   Check of a condition and replacement of a belt of a drive of auxiliary units
   Removal of a sediment from the fuel filter of the diesel engine
   Check of a condition and replacement of the hoses located in an impellent compartment
   Check of a condition of components
   Check, service and gymnastics
   Check of a condition and replacement of brushes
   Check of system of release of the fulfilled gases
   Check of brake system
   Electric equipment check
   The control of a condition of an anticorrosive covering of a body and the car bottom
   Check and adjustment of turns of idling and the maximum turns
   Replacement of a filtering element
   Check and service
   Replacement of the fuel filter
   Check of structure of the fulfilled gases
   Greasing of locks, loops and emphasis
   Survey of components of a suspension bracket
   Check and adjustment клапанных backlashes on the diesel engine
   Replacement of spark plugs
   Check of adjustment of a pedal of coupling
   Replacement of a brake liquid
   Replacement ATF
+ Engines
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating
+ Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual 5-step box of a gear change
+ Automatic 4-step transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Check of brake system

Remember that developed at functioning of brake mechanisms the dust can contain extremely unhealthy the person asbestos. At all do not blow off a dust the compressed air and do not inhale it, at service of mechanisms put on a protective mask or a respirator. At all do not use for rubbing of components of brake system gasoline or solvents on an oil basis - apply only firm cleaners or methyl spirit!

The detailed illustrative material on brake mechanisms is more white it is resulted in the Head Brake system.

The condition of components of brake system, besides regular, stipulated by the schedule of routine maintenance, checks, should be estimated each time at removal of wheels or at occurrence of signs of infringement of functioning of brake system.

The symptoms listed more low can be a sign of malfunction of components of brake mechanisms:

  1. At braking the car loses course stability (there is a withdrawal in one of the parties);
  2. During braking brake mechanisms publish squeal or a scratch;
  3. Excessively the course of a pedal of a foot brake increases;
  4. At squeezing of a brake pedal pulsations are felt;
  5. Traces of leak of a brake liquid (usually on an internal surface of disks of wheels and tyres) take place.


  1. Ослабьте nuts of fastening of wheels.
  2. Поддомкратьте the car also establish it on props.
  3. Remove wheels.

Disk brake mechanisms

The support of each of brake mechanisms is equipped by two колодками (internal and external). End faces колодок are well looked through through a special observation port in the support case After wheel removal.

Thickness brake колодки with the basis

The estimation of a residual thickness of a frictional overlay internal колодки is made visually through a support observation port. If overlays are worn out over an admissible limit (Options see and car routine maintenance), is necessary to make complex replacement brake колодок.


  1. If visually to estimate a residual thickness колодок it appears inconveniently, or there is a necessity for more detailed survey колодок, remove a support () and take колодки for more detailed studying (the Brake system see the Head).
  2. After колодки will be taken from a support, clear them by means of special means and check up a residual thickness of overlays by means of a ruler or equipped нониусом a calliper.
  3. By micrometer measure a thickness of brake disks. Compare results of measurements to standard requirements (Options and car routine maintenance see). If the thickness any leaves disks abroad an admissible range, replace it (the Brake system see the Head). If a thickness of a disk in norm, check up its general condition. Pay attention to such defects as deep scratches, furrows, teases, overheat traces, etc., in case of need remove a disk and give it in проточку (the Brake system see the Head).
  4. Before establishing to the place of a wheel, examine all brake lines on presence of signs of damages, deterioration, destruction as a result of ageing of a material, traces of leaks, bends, twisting and other deformations (in particular near to points of connection of flexible brake hoses to supports of brake mechanisms. Check up reliability of fastening of hoses collars. Make sure that any of brake hoses do not adjoin to acute angles located on the neighbourhood кузовных elements, components of system of release of the fulfilled gases and a suspension bracket (at any positions of a steering wheel). In case of need make corresponding repair or correct a route of a lining of lines. Defective components replace (the Brake system) see the Head.

Drum-type brake mechanisms


  1. At check of back drum-type brake mechanisms make sure that the lay brake is released, then обстучите a drum outside by a hammer with soft brisk for the purpose of landing easing.
  2. Remove a rubber cap of a control aperture on brake boards of back brakes and will light a small lamp in an aperture Check up a thickness of overlays. A deterioration limit will reach, if the overlay has a thickness of 2.5 mm (without a metal substrate).

Aperture for an estimation of a thickness of brake adjustments

At all do not blow off a brake dust from a surface of components the compressed air and do not inhale it is a dust can contain unhealthy asbestos!

  1. In case of need make complex replacement of boots. Boots are subject to replacement also in case of revealing of cracks, заполированных to shine of sites of overlays, or traces of hit of a brake liquid.

It is necessary to replace brake overlays of all axis.

  1. Make sure of correctness of connection and serviceability of a condition of all springs of assemblage of the brake mechanism (the Brake system see the Head).
  2. Check up assemblage components on presence of traces of leaks of a brake liquid. Cautiously having hooked a finger or a small screw-driver, remove rubber пыльники from the wheel cylinder in the top part of boots Revealing of any signs of leaks in these parts demands carrying out of immediate regenerative repair of assemblage of the cylinder (the Brake system see the Head). Also check up on presence of traces of leaks all brake hoses and them штуцерные connections.

Check of the wheel cylinder on presence of signs of leaks of a brake liquid

  1. Carefully wipe internal surfaces of a drum the pure rags impregnated with methyl spirit. Try not to inhale a dust containing asbestos.
  2. Examine a working surface of a drum on presence of cracks, задиров, traces of an overheat and other damages. If defects cannot be removed by processing of a surface by a fine-grained emery paper, it is necessary to give a drum for проточки to a car-care centre workshop.
  3. Repeat procedure for components of the opposite brake mechanism. Establish into place drums, fix wheels and lower the car on the earth.

The vacuum amplifier

Check of serviceability of functioning of the vacuum amplifier of brakes is made from a driver's place.


  1. At completely squeezed out pedal of a foot brake start the engine, - the pedal should fail a little more.
  2. At the working engine some times squeeze out a pedal of a foot brake. The size of a course of a pedal should remain a constant.
  3. Squeeze out a pedal, muffle the engine and continue to keep a pedal pressed during about 30 seconds during which it should not neither fail more low, nor rise.
  4. Again start the engine, allow to it to work for about a minute, then again muffle. Again some times firmly squeeze out a pedal, - the course size should be reduced with everyone качком.
  5. In case of negative result of the described check the servo-driver of the vacuum amplifier of brakes is subject to replacement (the Brake system see the Head).

Lay brake

Management of a lay brake is made by means of the lever established between forward seats. Having pulled the lever, cock it against the stop, having counted thus quantity of clicks of the ratchet mechanism. If the quantity of clicks leaves limits of an admissible range (Options see and car routine maintenance), the drive of a lay brake is subject to adjustment (the Brake system see the Head).

Alternatively check of serviceability of functioning of a lay brake can be made by a car parking on a site of road going under a bias and fixing by its motionlessly lay brake at neutral position of a transmission. If the brake does not keep the car at raising of its lever on demanded quantity of clicks, it is necessary to make adjustment (the Brake system see the Head).

The pressure valve-regulator in hydraulic contours of brake mechanisms of back wheels

As there are two диагонально the located brake contour, two valves-regulators of pressure in them are necessary. The Valve-regulator provides slower growth of pressure of the brake liquid going to back brake mechanisms, than the brake liquid going to forward brake mechanisms. Thus, the excessive effort of braking of back wheels is excluded and stability of the car raises at braking.

The regulator of brake effort with delay is established in the bottom part of the car over a back suspension bracket and copes through a spring of a back suspension bracket Before check of work of a regulator check up pressure of a brake liquid upon giving to back and forward brake mechanisms. Valves-regulators are replaced only in steam. The designation of the party of installation of a regulator is beaten out on its case.

Arrangement of valves-regulators

Check of serviceability and adjustment of the valve-regulator of pressure is made on the car not loaded and standing on wheels (the fuel tank is filled half).

Check of serviceability of functioning


  1. Ask the assistant to observe of the pressure valve-regulator. Strongly press a pedal of a brake and quickly release it.
  2. Thus the lever (1) valves-regulators should move If the lever does not move, replace a regulator, having addressed for the help on HUNDRED.

Components of management of the valve-regulator

1 — the Lever
2 — the Coupling spring
3 — Support



  1. Press the lever (1) in a direction of movement of the car against the stop. The coupling spring (2) should lie in plastic support (3) without a backlash and a tension (address to an illustration).
  2. On models of Hetchbek for adjustment ослабьте an adjusting bolt also displace it so that the spring adjoined without a backlash and a tension.

Easing of an adjusting bolt

  1. On models Combo for adjustment ослабьте the holder of a spring also displace it so that the spring adjoined without a backlash and a tension.
Easing of the holder
  1. Tighten a bolt of fastening with effort of 20 Nanometers.