- Open a cowl and fix its persistent bar.
- For providing of access to the right headlight remove an air inlet branch pipe (see the Head of the Power supply system, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases).
- Switch off a headlight, separate a socket from a headlight underside. Remove a rubber cover.
Separation of a socket of a headlight and removal of a rubber cover
- Disconnect spring скобу the holder of a lamp from lock laths and cast away it.
Removal скобы the holder of a lamp
- Take out a lamp накаливания.
- Insert a new lamp so that pads of a cartridge of a lamp have entered into reflector grooves. Thus a lamp take only for a cartridge, instead of for a flask. The traces which have remained on a lamp of hands remove the pure scarf moistened in spirit.
- Press a lamp скобой.
- Establish a headlight cover.
- Connect a lamp socket.
- About the right headlight insert into the air filter an air line and fix its sleeve on a forward cross-beam of a body, having turned a clip on 90 hailstones.
- Check up adjustment of headlights.