Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra

Since 1993-2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra
+ Cars Opel Corsa B, Tigra and Combo
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
- Engines
   The general information
   Check компрессионного pressure in cylinders and parametres of impellent oil
   Diagnostics of a condition of the engine with vacuum gauge application
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car
   + Procedures of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car
   + Procedures of repair of diesel engines without their extraction from the car
   - The general and engine major repairs
      Removal of the power unit from the car - methods and safety measures
      Removal, separation and engine installation
      Alternative variants of schemes of regenerative repair of the engine
      Sequence of dismantling of the engine
      Dismantling of a head of cylinders
      Cleaning and check of a condition of a head of cylinders
      Assemblage of a head of cylinders
      Removal of shatunno-piston assemblages
      Removal of a cranked shaft
      Cleaning and check of a condition of the block of cylinders
      Хонингование mirrors of cylinders
      Check of a condition of components of shatunno-piston group
      Check of a condition of a cranked shaft
      Check of a condition radical and шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Engine assembly order
      Installation of piston rings
      Installation of a cranked shaft and check of working backlashes of radical bearings
      Installation of shatunno-piston assemblages and check of size of working backlashes in шатунных bearings of a cranked shaft
      Trial start and обкатка the engine after major repairs
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating
+ Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual 5-step box of a gear change
+ Automatic 4-step transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
+ Suspension bracket and steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

Removal of a cranked shaft

Removal of a cranked shaft probably only from the engine taken from the car. It is meant that a flywheel/privodnoj a disk, a pulley of a cranked shaft, газораспределительный belts/chains with gear wheels/asterisks, the pallet картера, маслозаборник, the oil pump, the bridge of covers of radical bearings a cast crosspiece / balancing assemblage/maslootrazhatelnaja a plate (depending on a complete set) and shatunno-piston groups are already dismantled (the Part of Procedure of repair of petrol engines SOHC without their extraction from the car, Procedure of repair of petrol engines DOHC without their extraction from the car or Procedure of repair of diesel engines without their extraction from the car see).


  1. Before to start extraction of a cranked shaft from the engine, measure its size axial люфта. Fix a measuring instrument циферблатного type on the block to coaxially cranked shaft, having rested it плунжер against a cheek of one of cranks or in an end face of a pin of a shaft

Measurement of size axial люфта a cranked shaft with the help циферблатного a measuring instrument плунжерного type

  1. Push a cranked shaft against the stop back and null the device indicator. Now push a shaft in an opposite direction and consider the measuring instrument indication. The size of a free wheeling of a shaft in a longitudinal direction also is its axial люфт. Compare result of measurement to requirements of Specifications in the Head Engines. If люфт exceeds the maximum admissible value, check up on presence of signs of excessive deterioration persistent surfaces of a shaft. In the absence of obvious signs of deterioration, installation of new persistent washers usually helps to correct a situation.
  2. At absence near at hand циферблатного a measuring instrument it is possible to take advantage usual щупом лезвийного type. Accurately shift a shaft against the stop forward on the engine, then define size of the formed backlash between a cheek of a crank and a half ring of the persistent combined loose leaf of the third radical bearing, densely having planted in it of a corresponding thickness an edge () щупа

Alternatively axial люфт a shaft can be measured with the help щупа лезвийного type (the paragraph text see)

  1. In a diagonal order, in stages (on 1/4 turns for the approach) ослабьте bolts of fastening of covers of radical bearings so that there was a possibility of their reversing manually. Depending on necessity put on covers of radical bearings of a cranked shaft identification marks (take advantage кернером or a marker).

On the majority of engines on manufacture covers of all bearings with 1 on 5 in ascending order from outside drive ГРМ are marked.

  1. Cautiously обстучите covers of bearings a hammer with soft brisk also remove them from the engine block. In case of need take advantage of bolts as levers. Track, that at dismantle of covers there were no lost loose leaves of radical bearings enclosed in them.
  2. Cautiously take a cranked shaft from the engine, - in view of relevancy of weight of assemblage it will be reasonable to secure with the help of the assistant. Track, that loose leaves of radical bearings remained in the beds in the block and covers. Establish covers on the regular places on the block, and by hand tighten fixing bolts.