Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra

Since 1993-2000 of release

Repair and car operation

Opel Corsa B, Combo, Tigra
+ Cars Opel Corsa B, Tigra and Combo
+ Controls and operation receptions
+ Options and car routine maintenance
+ Engines
+ Systems of cooling of the engine, salon and air conditioning heating
+ Power supply systems, release and decrease in toxicity of the fulfilled gases
+ Systems of an electric equipment of the engine
+ Manual 5-step box of a gear change
+ Automatic 4-step transmission
+ Coupling and power shafts
+ Brake system
- Suspension bracket and steering
   The general information
   + Forward suspension bracket
   + Back suspension bracket
   + Steering
+ Body
+ Onboard electric equipment

The general information

In a forward suspension bracket two amortisation racks of MakFersona consisting of a screw spring and the built in hydraulic shock-absorber Amortization racks are applied fasten with a body and rotary fists bolts. Lateral displacement is limited to cross-section levers which are connected with corresponding rotary fists through replaceable spherical support. Cross-section levers are connected with a body through rubber support. Longitudinal displacement is limited by the draughts fixed on cross-section levers. The stabilizer of cross-section stability connects both draughts among themselves. Thanks to it on turns the car inclination decreases. The engine twisting moment is transferred to forward wheels through power shafts. Power shafts have various length and are equipped by hinges of equal angular speeds (SHRUS). Bearings of forward wheels do not understand and replaced completely.

Design of a forward suspension bracket

1 — the Internal SHRUS
On engines DOHC of 1.0 and 1.2 l:
The tripodnyj hinge.
2 — The Cover of an internal SHRUS
3 — The Power shaft
4 — The External SHRUS
5 — The Cover
6 — The Buffer of a course of compression
7 — The Shock-absorber
8 — The Basic bearing
9 — The Prorate
10 — The Top cup of a spring
11 — Dempfirujushchee a ring
12 — The Spring

13 — The Rotary fist
14 — The Wheel bearing
15 — A wheel Nave
16 — The Brake disk
17 — Koronchataja ступичная a nut
18 — The Holder of draught
19 — The Stabilizer of cross-section stability
20 — Draught
21 — The Rubber support
22 — The Cross-section lever of a suspension bracket
23 — The Spherical support
24 — Dempfirujushchaja the plug
25 — Bolts with a fillet

Cars Opel Corsa and Tigra are equipped by a back suspension bracket with levers and a connecting beam the Suspension bracket consists of an open cross-section pipe on which from each party the longitudinal lever is welded. In a cross-section pipe there is an additional stabilizer. Longitudinal levers are connected to a body through резинометаллические support bolts. For decrease in sensation of roughnesses of road screw springs and hydraulic shock-absorbers serve. Bearings of back wheels have adjustment possibility. Model Combo has a rigid axis with sheet springs and shock-absorbers which are characterised by high durability. Such design provides possibility considerably большей car loadings. In comparison with models Corsa B and Tigra the design also bearings of back wheels They is changed are built in not brake drums, and located in the separate nave fastening to a brake drum by bolts.

Design of a back suspension bracket of models Corsa and Tigra

1— The Shock-absorber
2 — the Screw spring
3 — the Connecting beam
4 — the Stabilizer of cross-section stability
5 — Dempfirujushchaja the plug

Design of a back suspension bracket of models Combo

1 — Forward fastening of a spring
2 — the Spring
3 — the Additional spring
4 — Back fastening of a spring
5 — Assemblage of a wheel nave

From 09.1997 of release on models Combo the design of a cover of a nave of wheel bearings is changed.

The steering drive consists of a steering wheel, a steering shaft and steering draughts. The steering wheel is fixed on the helmsman to a shaft which is connected with the steering mechanism. Through zubchato-reechnoe gearing rotation of a steering shaft is transferred gear рейке. Gear рейка through spherical hinges it is connected with steering draughts. The last through hinges and rotary fists transfer movement to forward wheels of the car. The steering drive should have an easy course and should not have люфтов. He does not demand service, but in maintenance service carrying out it is necessary to check tightness of sealing cuffs. Depending on model and a complete set of the car it can be equipped with the steering hydraulic booster (ГУР). Cars with engines DOHC of 1.0 and 1.2 l are equipped by the electric amplifier of a wheel (EPS); on cars with engines OHC in volume from 1.2 to 1.7 l it is applied usual ГУР. Problem ГУР is effort decrease, it is necessary for steering wheel turn, first of all, at low speed or on parking.

Design of a steering column

1 — the Casing of a steering column
2 — the Cylinder of the lock of ignition
3 — Podrulevoj the switch of screen wipers
4 — the Top overlay of a steering column

5 — the Steering wheel
6 — the Cable drum
7 — Podrulevoj the switch of external illumination
8 — the Bottom overlay of a steering column
9 — the Steering shaft

Design of a steering drive without ГУР

1 — the Tip of steering draught
2 — the Counternut
3 — the Collar of a protective casing
4 — the Protective casing
5 — the Collar of a protective casing
6 — Oporno-press an element
7 — the Sealing ring
8 — the Spring
9 — the Adjusting stopper
10 — the Lock nut
11 — Steering draught
12 — the Persistent ring
13 — the Sealing ring
14 — the Lock ring
15 — the Gear wheel with the bearing
16 — the Directing plug
17 — Gear рейка

8 — the Lock nut
19 — Pylnik
20 — the Lock ring
21 — the Tip of steering draught
22 — the Counternut
23 — the Collar of a protective casing
24 — the Protective casing
25 — the Collar of a protective casing
26 — Steering draught
27 — the Persistent ring
28 — the Left rubber support
29 — the Right rubber support
30 — the Case of the steering mechanism
31 — the Lock ring
32 — Pylnik
33 — the Lock nut

ГУР consists of the pump, the tank of liquid ГУР and connecting of hoses. The pump is resulted in rotation from the engine through a V-shaped belt. The pump submits a liquid from the tank under a high pressure to the case of the valve located in the steering mechanism. The valve is connected with steering shaft and submits oil depending on a direction of rotation of a steering wheel to the corresponding party of working cylinder GUR. The liquid influences the piston and, thus, facilitates process of turn of wheels. Simultaneously the piston squeezes out a liquid on the other hand the working cylinder through a returnable hydraulic line in the tank.

The principle of action EPS consists in the following. Steering wheel rotation is registered by the gauge of a twisting moment (3), the signal is transferred to the block of management EPS (5). From VSS and ECM the block of management EPS receives the information on speed of movement of the car. The block of management EPS counts necessary size of effort which creates the electric motor (1) and transfers to the steering mechanism (8). The size and a direction of auxiliary effort are defined by size of a current of the electric motor, defined by the block of management EPS. Through the bottom steering shaft (7) direct mechanical communication between a steering wheel and the steering mechanism is carried out. Thus, at failure EPS the car remains operated. EPS works only at the working engine.

Design of a steering drive with the electric amplifier (models DOHC 1.0 and 1.2)

1 — the Electric motor
2 — the Worm gear
3 — the twisting moment Gauge
4 — the Signal from VSS

5 — the Block of management EPS
6 — the Signal of number of turns of a cranked shaft from ECM
7 — the Bottom steering shaft
8 — the Steering mechanism

Often in the course of service of components of a suspension bracket it is necessary to face with resistant отдаванию fixture. Прикипание fixture elements it is connected by that they are constantly subject to external influences, are in contact to water, a dirt, a soot and other promoting development of corrosion by substances. For the purpose of simplification of procedure отдавания its such"become attached"fixture it is necessary to impregnate with plentiful quantity of getting oil beforehand. Зачистка open carving parts of fixture a rigid wire brush also promotes simplification отдавания приржавевших nuts. Sometimes, in especially hard cases, for отпускания "the become attached" bolt/nut it is possible to take advantage выколоткой. Выколотка rests against edge шлица bolt nuts/heads, then sharp blows by a hammer are struck to its opposite end. Watch that выколотка has broken, try to damage inexact blows a carving. Effective enough way is also warming up resistant отдаванию fixture and a surface of a component surrounding it a torch of a blowtorch or a gas torch though composers of the given Management and do not recommend to resort without extreme need to such technology in view of its potential danger connected with possibility of ignition and risk of reception of burns. Any extension pieces, collars and trumpet nozzles are intended for twisting moment increase at отпускании fixture on them. However, remember that it is not necessary to use such intensifying adaptations complete with the drive equipped with "rattle" - the risk of failure of the ratchet mechanism is too great. Sometimes the nut/bolt starts to give in after preliminary will be slightly tightened clockwise. All fixture, отпускание which has demanded application of not ordinary measures at assemblage is subject to replacement!

After отдавания attentively check a condition of fixture and in case of need make its replacement with elements of the same standard size. At assemblage tighten fixture of components of a suspension bracket and a steering it is strict with demanded effort.

At all do not undertake attempts рихтовки the deformed components of a suspension bracket and a steering - replace defective details new!

As procedures of service of components of a suspension bracket are carried out under the car, it is necessary to take care in advance of possibilities of lifting of a vehicle and its fixing in the lifted position (prepare reliable a jack and props).

At all do not perform any works under the car, fixed in the lifted position only by means of a jack!

Safety measures


In ступичную the steering wheel part is built in a safety pillow. For a guarantee of serviceability of operation of a pillow at emergency collisions, and also in order to avoid risk of reception of traumas as a result of its casual activation it is necessary to observe certain safety measures (the Onboard electric equipment see also the Head):
  1. Before the beginning of works with a safety pillow, or near to a route of a lining of electroconducting SRS necessarily disconnect a negative wire of the battery, to start performance of works follows after not less than one minute after a battery detachment, - time is necessary on a discharge of the condenser of the reserve power supply;
  2. Do not suppose a warming up of the module of a pillow of safety from above 90С. Do not overturn the removed module of a pillow of safety an overlay downwards;
  3. Do not suppose hit on a surface of the module of solvents and washing-up liquids, - for steering wheel wiping use only the pure, slightly humidified rags;
  4. The block of management SRS and modules of pillows of safety are sensitive to the directed overloads (blows) and after falling from height more than 50 sm are subject to replacement;
  5. Before carrying out of welding works on the car without fail disconnect electroconducting of the block of management SRS;
  6. On the models equipped with passenger pillows of safety in order to avoid reception of traumas do not establish any additional equipment and do not place any extraneous subjects in a zone of operation of pillows.